IP Transit

Deliver Exceptional Content Access Experiences

Keep You Connected with Your Diverse Audience

Our solution guarantees reliable content access, so your customers always have the information they need. We deliver consistent performance, ensuring your content is always accessible with your broad audience.

Direct Access

Direct Access

Allow you to exchange traffic directly, improving performance and reducing latency for end-users.

Better User Experience

Better User Experience

Experience better online performance with reduced latency and improved page load times.

Global Reach & Local Connection

Global Reach & Local Connection

Reach a wider audience by connecting to ISPs in other countries.

Cost Efficient​

Cost Efficient​

Save on upfront investments by paying solely for the required bandwidth and connections.​

How Does It Function?

DCConnect Global, in collaboration with our regional internet service providers worldwide, delivers an ultra-high-bandwidth IP Transit network. This advanced IP Transit solution is designed to empower you to expand your reach with minimal latency and optimized route efficiency. Leveraging our IPT infrastructure, DCConnect ensures a robust and high-performance network, minimizing hops between routes to enhance the speed and reliability of your internet connectivity on a global scale. ​

​DCConnect’s IP Transit service connects customers to the global internet backbone through a variety of peering points. It is backed by a global network of Tier 1 providers, which ensures that customers have access to a diverse and resilient network. DCConnect’s IP Transit service is also highly scalable, and it can be easily scaled up or down to meet changing needs.​

IP Transit Connection Topology​


By directly connecting with major ISPs, we optimize traffic routes. When you subscribe to DCConnect’s IP Transit/Eyeball Connection, we configure and connect your equipment to our network, providing a direct link to the global Internet backbone. This empowers you to efficiently distribute traffic to a global audience.​

Superior IP Performance​

  • Benefit from globally distributed peering and edge connections that reduce latency and ensure resilient outage absorption.​
  • Experience the lowest latency through deep peering, with all Tier-1 carriers just a single IP hop away, resulting in increased packet speed.​
  • Enjoy dedicated, high-speed, and always-on Internet connectivity through DCConnect’s owned long-haul and edge fiber infrastructure.​
  • DCConnect proactively augments capacity on our IP core and peering infrastructure to eliminate network congestion and provide failover protection.​

Scalability, Reach & Support​

  • Scale your bandwidth seamlessly with DCConnect’s network, offering up to 100G customer ports and Nx100G aggregated ports to support your growth.​
  • Leverage access to DCConnect’s extensive global IP Points of Presence (PoPs) and peering locations, benefiting from a distributed growth model.​
  • Optimize your traffic with flexible aggregate and burstable bandwidth options.​
  • Access round-the-clock support from DCConnect’s Network Operations Center (NOC) to address any concerns or issues.

Expanding Your Internet Reach, Connectivity Across Networks

DCConnect’s IP Transit service is available at key locations around the world. Bandwidth options range from 50Mbps to 100G, providing a versatile and scalable range of connectivity solutions to meet diverse data transmission requirements.

Region​City​PoP Site​s
Hong Kong​Hong Kong​Mega-l/Equinix HK1
Singapore​Singapore​Equinix SG1
Japan​Tokyo​Equinix TY8​
US West​Los Angeles​Coresite LA1​
US East​Ashburn​Equinix DC5​
US West​Seattle​Equnix SE2​
Germany​Frankfurt​Equinix FR5
ThailandBangkokJasTel Data Center
KoreaSeoulKINX IDC Dogok Center

IX Peering Topology

IX TRANSIT topology

We are efficiently connected to major international Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), encompassing Seattle, Tokyo, Ashburn, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Singapore, and Los Angeles. Introducing DCConnect Global’s latest milestone in 2023: enhanced high-speed IP transit from Asia to Europe. We build the new Points of Presence in Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Thus, progressing towards our overarching objective of fostering worldwide connectivity.

Technical Specifications​

Standard 1G – 10G

High Speed Offering 10G – 100G

IPv4 and IPv6 Support

BGP Routing

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection

Traffic Engineering

Equinix Internet Exchange, PCCW, HGC, MyIX, Globe, JasTel, HKIX

Rest assured with our 24/7 professional support, ensuring your peace of mind

IP Transit

We Can Help You to Achieve Your Business Goals​

Trust us to provide a streamlined connectivity solution that enhances your customer experience and keeps them coming back for more.