Local Access Circuit

Your Last Mile to Global Connectivity​

Boost Your Business with Private & High-Performance Connectivity

Local Access Circuits usually known as Local Loop is the optimal solution for businesses seeking high-performance last mile connectivity globally, enabling effortless establishment of a local presence and seamless connection between data centers, clouds, and business premises around the world.

 Improved Performance

Improved Performance

By eliminating congestion and reducing latency, we ensure that your business operates smoothly and efficiently.

Global Reach

Global Reach

Our extensive network of local access partners spanning across 56+ countries.​

Simplified Management

Simplified Management

We simplify the procurement and management of your last-mile connectivity by handling your network partner relationships and contracts.​



With our service, you only pay for the bandwidth you require, enhancing cost-efficiency.​

How Does It Function?

The Local Access Circuits , often referred to as the last mile, plays a pivotal role in establishing a vital link between a user’s location and the central office of the telecommunications service provider. This connection is facilitated through the advanced technology of DCConnect Layer 2 Ethernet, ensuring reliable communication to homes or businesses.​

DCConnect’s Layer 2 Ethernet technology stands at the forefront of connectivity, ensuring reliable and efficient communication through the Local Access Circuits. The Local Access Circuits  significance lies in its role as the primary conduit for transmitting data, voice, and other telecommunications services.

3 Local Access Circuits Topology Use Cases

Local Access Circuits 1 WHITE
Local Access Circuits 3 WHITE

​Designed to facilitate data connections between the head office and all branch offices, ensures robust Ethernet connections across multiple sites in your local areas. Our system is structured to create a strong and secure network, providing a foundation for efficient data exchange and collaboration between your main office and various branches.​

Technical Specifications​

1Mbps to 1Gbps: 1000BASE-T

1Mbps to 1Gbps: 1000BASE-LX

1Mbps to 10Gbps: 10GBASE-LR, 40Gbase-LR4 100GBASE-LR4

1Mbps to 40Gbps: 40GBASE-LR4 100GBASE-LR4

1Mbps to 100Gbps: 100GBASE-LR4 

MTU up to 9100 bytes subjected to regional resources


Bridging the Gap Between Your Potential and Reality​

DCConnect’s Local Access Circuits solution delivers the bandwidth and reliability your branch offices need to operate, experience minimal latency and congestions without delays or interruptions.